I have, for reasons of health, it is not recommended for application to any type of diet. However, when the needle on the scale starts to climb, and the mass varies as the dangerous face of it, you have to look for a way out. I started to think about how to lose weight in a week, at least 1 kg. In the end, it enlisted the help of a specialist centre. I brought it to them with a card and a bouquet of diseases, and it has to wait for the verdict. The doctor has been set up so that it is positive. He addressed my concerns about the change in the power supply, and the impact of this on the body, and also help to make up the menu, which includes only those products that I eat regularly.

The benefits of a weight loss slow down
The advantages of such weight loss diet specialists recommend it to their patients to lose weight at a slow pace, without the use of the room service diet. What is the advantage of the gradual eliminating of the extra pounds? For a stable result. Quickly lose weight it may be just a record of a significant deficit in calories. A man experiences the sensation of being hungry constantly if you are deprived of pleasures. Typically, the advocates, the service is delivered / diet-to-lose weight prior to an event, and then everything goes back to normal. In the course of the product, prohibited, harmful sweets and snacks. Gradual weight loss gives you the option of on the body of water. It is informed that the process was born out of a desire not only to restore those extra pounds, but to change your way of life. The skin loses its elasticity. When people drastically lose weight, your skin will SAG, and the body becomes clear. When you to a gradual loss of weight-that you receive not only the desired parameters, in a way, but it is the toned body. The change in dietary habits. Eating correctly to lose weight, learn to be part of your diet is based on the products that are useful. If the process takes a couple of months, a person is able to restructure, to get used to the new food, and you love it. Proper nutrition becomes a way of life. This is the result, which is a very close call.
To lose weight, in kg, of 1 to keep a log book, to monitor the burning of calories
After that, you you you you you have set for yourself a goal, and the need to control your calorie intake and burn it all in the magazine. On the Internet you can find a variety of calculators as well as the calories you you you you you you can take advantage of. But the best thing to do is to consult a nutritional expert skilled, it is the individual, system and power. The daily requirement for a woman is 2000 calories and men 2500 calories. To be successful at losing 1 kg per week is needed to burn at least 1000 calories. To do this, you must reduce the daily rate by 500 calories, and it's still the 500-kill him with the help of physical exercises. For the record, it allows you to see the process of losing weight, and getting in with the right strategy. At least an extra 500 calories you have burned for the exercise. To do this, you can perform the following charges:
- The 30-minute race.
- 35 minutes of jump-rope.
- 60 minutes of step aerobics and low-intensity.
- A 60-minute swim in the pool.
- Choosing the best type of the load, and to do it on a daily basis.
If you are here, then it continues to get rid of most of the 500-calorie-per-day. For this reason, it is necessary to change a habitual food intake. Opt for products with fewer calories, but with the right amount of nutrients.
- Non-starchy vegetables.
- Fruits with a low content of the mass.
- Low-fat dairy products.
You choose the products that they allow you enough to keep you eat snacks in between meals.
The ride
Moderate physical activity is considered to be 7500-9500 steps per day. To increase the intensity of the light is 10 000 steps in a day. Try more of walk, climb the stairs, then a walk in the park, the less you use public transit. Talking on the phone, do not lie down on the couch, and the floor of the living room. So, you can burn approximately 350 calories.
Avoid if you enjoy
For a taste of a person is consuming a large amount of calories. If you have a strong sense of hunger, then eat a snack with very few calories. Compare the following snack options.
- 100gr apple 52 calories in, versus 100gr of sweet potato to 274 calories.
- 100gr apple sauce – 76-calorie counter 100gr frozen – 201-a-calorie.
- 100gr yogurt – 50 calories, as against 100gr of cheese – 360 calories.
- 100gr carrot – a 42-calorie counter 100gr of sweet potato to 544 calories.
- 100gr strawberries – 40 calories, versus 100gr sweet cherries 77 calories.
Balanced diet
Make sure that the feed, with emphasis on the relationship:
- 50% of the plants.
- 25% of the starch in the corn.
- 25% of the protein.
By yourself or with the help of a registered dietitian must first determine the individual proportion of a mixture of products. After a while, you will quickly identify those products that contain less fat. Here you can read more about it. You can also drink a delicious drink for weight loss Chokolate Slim, which you can use to lose the extra pounds.
The household chores will help you lose weight
Many people do not know what the issues might be and help you to burn up to 500 calories. Here are some of the activities that allow you to burn the calories in 30 minutes of:
- Wash the floors with a mop – 125 calories.
- A collection and delivery service to 90 calories.
- The washing of windows up to 100 calories.
- Wash your dog's 125 calories.
Gardening will help you lose 1 lb a week
About an hour's work in the garden in the summer, allows you to lose up to 500 calories. You will be happy to spend the time to use it. So, in the summer, try to do things on the ground for at least 2 hours per week.
Belly dance
If you are looking for a fun way to burn calories, and you will look sexy and beautiful, then the best option is belly dancing. Within an hour, you can burn 180-300 calories depending on the intensity. The advantage of this method is that, during the dance, working the muscles of the hips, the knees and the belly.
Hula-Hoop for weight loss
Hula-Hoop is not just a game for children, but it is effective and efficient, which allows you to burn the calories. With a good intensity, you lose about 10 calories per minute, so that you burn up to 500 calories in less than an hour. In addition, it can also help to tone the muscles of your abdomen, back and legs.
Many ways to lose weight 1 kg in a week
Do you want to lose weight in the shortest amount of time? So, you need to use only safe and non-carriers of the threat to the health of methods, such as those that today you will talk about. You will also have to be realistic and keep in mind that if you are going to continue to follow up with them, you will be able to alleviate the 500-900 grams per week.
To drink comes from the water
One of the best ways to lose weight and to ease to 1.5 kg in 7 days – to make water a top beverage. Needless to say, it is much more convenient than a soda or energy, but that's not all. You must also exclude from the diet of smoothies and fruit juices (not fresh juice). The water maintains the balance of water in the body, it speeds up your metabolism, and thirst-quenching it is so much better than any other beverage. If you don't like the taste, just add a couple of drops in a glass of juice, the favorite of the citrus fruits, or a little bit of mint.
Keep track of carbohydrates
I'm not talking about total exclusion. Your body needs carbohydrates to function properly, and without them, your diet is not healthy. Just stay away from refined carbs – I eat the bread and pasta whole grain, not refined grains. Also, avoid the mass-control. Remember, it's a healthy alternative to fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain all the carbs you need.
To burn more than it consumes
One of the most obvious of the tips, which, however, is often overlooked.Do you want to lose weight? So, you have to expend more energy than it consumes. Stay physically active: go to gym to perform the exercises at home, jog or ride a bike. Select a lesson for the soul.
You want to burn a lot of calories – it makes your heart work harder, and so do some cardio!
A Regular workout, cardio is one of the most effective ways of weight. Make games, to sports, to carry out the daily rush, the more of a dive. Strength training such as push-ups, crunches, twist, you also play an important role. While I was at the gym, use the treadmill, stepper, and, of course, the ellipsoid of reference. Thus, you will not only lose weight, but it's going to bring you a remarkable benefit to our health.
Don't let you sleep
And over a half-hour of sleep can play a positive role! If it is going to properly rest, you will be able to more easily keep to a diet and get more energy to work out. Of course, too much sleep time, it's not worth it. Even if you are a sender of the bed to 30 minutes, or up to 15 minutes later, you're going to see a change, a positive one. Even though you follow the tips, you able to keep them in good order, and to maintain the achieved results. It all depends on regular activity and proper nutrition. The excess weight will start to decrease gradually, and you'll look and feel great in all 100 of them!! And do you have any advice on how to lose weight at 1.5 lbs a week.
How to lose weight in a week is 1 kg tips the
Tips on efficient operation:
- Also be used to be effective in the discharge of days.
- During the day, plenty of pure water in order to remove the toxins from the body.
- You can also eat apples, and drink of kefir, every couple of hours for a drink. The drink should be the minimum percentage of fat, but not fat-free.
- For effective weight loss, proper porridge-wheat, low-salt, and spices. Yes, it could be that it is not very delicious, but healthy and with good quality. The rump must pour boiling water and to insist for a couple of hours, and the best part of the night. There is a small amount of the 5-times-a-day, washed down with green tea, or yogurt.
- Not necessarily, for the year, you can go swimming, to go swimming, to pump up the muscles. Choose a sport that suits You in the spirit.
- Unnecessary to to be a simple walking in the park, before going to sleep, the fresh air works wonders, gives you energy and joy, and soothes the nervous system, helps to normalize the sleep.
On the eve of that day, prior to the start of the diet it is best to go to bed on an empty stomach, you can drink a cup of herbal tea. The Menu from one day to the next:
- Breakfast: drink a glass of warm water and take a bath in the background.
- For lunch, some green apples and a cup of tea with chamomile.
- Lunch 150 g chicken breast, prepared with a serving of salad with a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
- For an afternoon snack – a cucumber.
- Dinner tomato soup with fresh parsley.
During the day, drink at least 2 litres of water a pure, non-carbonated.
A low-calorie diet
It is a system of proper nutrition, the fundamentals of which is the following: You should not have to feel the sensation of being hungry any time throughout the day. This result is achieved by a multi-step energy. To eat you need to five times a day (3 in the main reception + snacks at the permissions of the "products"). The contents of the plate can hold a standard cup. Do not need eat too much your stomach for months, and your appetite, will take the unhealthy range. Move over, head to foot. Without a question, if you don't play sports, it's very difficult to be able to load-up on the first day is not worth it. Once you release the muscles, and after a time you will not be able to cross-train. If you don't engage in the workout at the gym, or dance, or stretch out in the house. Choose an activity that will bring you joy. To drink more water. The liquid oxygen, which accelerates metabolic processes, and it dulls the sense of hunger. On the day you drink has eight or more glasses. Tea and coffee also count, but all other drinks must not contain in the composition of the new one. Get ready!
Leave it in the fridge will always be permitted to the products that you can satisfy your hunger. Please take the time to cook complete dishes. There are recipes that will make you a dish that is not only useful, but also delicious. Without the notion of you is bored of sweet food, and it stops will not prevent it. Include in your diet, the more different the products on the list are allowed, in order for the body to receive the nutrients in the right amounts. The list includes all foods of plant and animal origin. What can it be? Fish (any and all), beef, turkey, rabbit, and poultry meat (in addition to the goose and the duck). The eggs of all the birds). Dairy products to fat-up to 1.5 %. If you can't live without the yeast to make it in the rice and the flour, oatmeal, oil, sour cream, and the new one. A handful of pasta from durum wheat (a 1-time-per-day, in the breakfast room). Fruits (except for watermelon, bananas, persimmons, grapes). All of the vegetables (except for carrots, beets, beans, and potatoes). Count the number of calories. Eat, don't you need at least 800 and less than 1200 kcal per day to meet their routine of physical activity. The bottom of this, normal eating is not possible, this is the equivalent of a hunger strike. For the convenience of calculation of the calorie content of the meals and products, you can use the calorie counter. By following these recommendations, you will be able to reset the 2 kg, and to maintain the health and to change their eating habits.
The day of the fast
Giving, a day of fasting, it is not recommended that more than 1 time per week. A particularly popular method of losing weight is a Euphorbia. It is the green tea with milk in it. For preparation of 1 litre of milk with a low percentage of fat, dilute to 200 grams of water, boil the water and give it to cool down a little bit. Then, the milk has to add in the 3 tablespoons of green tea. Insist the mixture in preference to a half-hour. The filtered drink is recommended to drink every hour a glass. In addition to this, it is recommended to drink about 2 litres of clean water. To this day, and to exclude from the diet of black tea, alcoholic beverages, and products to make them cakes, pastries, and coffee. It also allows you to download so you can prepare a shake, yogurt, and sugar beets. To do this, you will need to boil the beets, no salt, grate in a grater or scroll through a meat grinder, and mix it with a quart of yogurt. Milkshake needs to be divided into 6 parts, and get you through for a while at the same time. There is nothing else. On that day, you can throw a couple of extra pounds, but you should know that the weight loss is due to the excretion of water and decrease the volume. Fats are expected to remain in place. If you need to lose weight urgently, this is the best option.